3 Man-Melting Phrases That Make A Guy Fall For You – Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy
relationship December 30th. 2023, 10:32pm
►► Want more compliments to make him yours? Download your free guide here…http://www.SayThisToHim.com
I’m about to share some secret phrases that no man can resist hearing. I’m always scared to give these away, so promise me you’ll use them for good…;)
These phrases, when used on a guy, will give the ability you:
– Stay in his memory
– Make him feel like more of a man around you
– Override his logical brain and get him to melt in your presence
But first: you need to know the difference between compliments and flattery.
A compliment is a comment that feels earnt. It’s what makes a guy know that you see the best in him and it makes him want to be his best self around you.
Flattery is just pumping a guy’s ego. It’s what you get when a woman simply throws praise at guy even if he’s done nothing to deserve it.
Hint: The second one doesn’t work when you’re trying to attract men.
In this week’s video then, I share my THREE all-time favorite MAN-MELTING COMPLIMENTS proven to work on any guy that still allow you to remain high-value…
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► FREE DOWNLOAD: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” → http://www.SayThisToHim.com
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