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How to Improve Your Health and Appearance Naturally
Scientists have proved that regular consumption of seeds and nuts, including almonds, is incredibly good for your health and appearance. How much of those is enough to stay young and healthy? What will happen if you actually start eating them every day – will it have more benefits or dangers for your health?
The health benefits of almonds 0:46
Countless studies have shown that these nuts not only normalize lipid levels in the blood, they also reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes. Almonds are a true miracle for helping you lose weight as well since they lower the level of fat in the body.
How flax, sesame and pumpkin seeds are good for you 1:56
Flax seeds are great for your health because their chemical composition basically multitasks at improving all kinds of bodily systems at once. The chemical composition of sesame seeds decreases blood pressure, effectively preventing stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. Pumpkin seeds contain a huge amount of arginine, which helps dilate the blood vessels, thus, improving circulation and preventing hypertension.
The health benefits of walnuts 3:57
The minerals contained in walnuts lower the risk of developing both cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. Plus, they have a natural chemical called tocopherol, which is highly effective at minimizing symptoms associated with age-related disorders and protecting men from prostate cancer.
Why sunflower seeds are good for you 4:34
Sunflower seeds effectively prevent bronchial and lung infections because of their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. If you wanna get in on all these health-boosting benefits, just make it a habit to consume one ounce of sunflower seeds every single day.
How to stay healthy with pistachios and cashews 5:08
Snacking on pistachios can help you feel full longer, which makes them great for weight control. Cashews are full of iron, which is a must-have to prevent anemia. Plus, they can really help diabetics stabilize their blood-sugar levels.
The health benefits of almonds 0:46
Flax seeds 1:56
Sesame seeds 2:43
Pumpkin seeds 3:20
Walnuts 3:57
Sunflower seeds 4:34
Pistachios 5:08
Cashews 5:49
Hazelnuts 6:30
Peanuts 7:14
Brazil nuts 7:56
Pecans 8:35
Chia seeds 9:18
-Experts recommend eating just 20 almonds a day between meals to help you lose weight and normalize lipid levels in the blood.
-One tablespoon of mashed flax seeds contains nearly 2 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which keep your cardiovascular system in tip-top shape.
-Sesame seeds contain a ton of special antioxidants that significantly reduce high cholesterol and oils that improve the condition of your skin, hair, and nails.
-Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins A and E, which are essential for maintaining skin elasticity.
-The minerals contained in walnuts lower the risk of developing both cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease.
-Sunflower seeds contain sulfur-rich proteins that are proven to be extremely good for your muscle- and bone tissue.
-Snacking on pistachios can help you feel full longer, which makes them great for weight control.
-The anti-inflammatory effect of cashews strengthens the immune system and protects the body from the flu virus.
-The abundance of vitamin B contained in hazelnuts helps make bones and muscles stronger and gives the immune system a welcomed boost.
-The polyphenol in peanuts protects the cells of the body from harmful free radicals, helping us stay young longer.
-Thanks to their large amounts of fiber and the cleaning effect they have on the intestines, Brazil nuts significantly improve digestion.
-The vitamin E in pecans serves to protect the body from the harmful effects of environmental factors like solar radiation.
-The omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in pecans work wonders on the heart and blood vessels, lowering cholesterol and preventing clots from forming.
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There are several benefits of eating soaked almonds daily. They help with weight loss, protect against cell damage, regulate blood pressure and cholesterol level. They boost brain function and impart impressive hair and skin benefits due to containing vitamin A and E. #soakedalmonds #soakedalmondsbenefits #almonds #almondshape #ayurveda #benefit #foodismedicine
If you are like me you LOVE Mangos, but, they can be pretty messy to eat and are most often done so with a knife a spoon and a plate. In this video I will teach you the best way to eat mangos without a knife, spoon or mess!❤️
PS if you don’t LOVE mangos I may just contend that you have never had a really good one, this video also gives tips on how to find the best mangos with loads of other fun mango tidbits!🙌🏼
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There is no one way slice and peel a mango, but in this video, we’ll share handful of our favorites as well as few helpful tips.
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#Mango #CuttingFruit #HomeInsider
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Raw nuts contain phytic acid which helps to protect the seed until it completely germinates. The concern is that this phytic acid when combined with other foods can slightly impair the absorption of minerals.
Soaking the nuts in water overnight in the refrigerator can decrease the phytic acid by 10%.
Nuts in moderation are an extremely good source of essential fatty acids – it is still ok to take nuts without being soaked. If you soak it, you can enjoy the maximum benefit.
Dr. Palaniappan Manickam MD, MPH
Internal Medicine | Gastroenterology | Epidemiologist
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